2022 best laptops for computer science students
Updated review: 2022 best laptops for computer science students - with buying guide
School is almost over and if on the one hand there is the desire to think about the holidays, putting aside books, tomes, term papers and singing company, on the other hand there is certainly the look towards September.

The university is the first thought, if you have decided to continue with your studies, and these days you are probably juggling between the various didactic plans to see which one is the most suitable for you. A similar situation if, on the other hand, you are still in high school and after the report card has been closed, you are now preparing for your return in September. The story remains the same: September always represents a new beginning, full of expectations and plans.
Read also: https://qualified.one/blog/dev/best-laptop-for-computer-science-students/
Laptop for CS student
To accompany you on your long days (and nights) of studying, you definitely need a student notebook. Yes, indeed a student computer, because PCs for university have features that make life easier for those who have to study. By now, all study paths, from science to the humanities, require the aid of a computer, but they are not all the same and not all are good for what you have to do.
One thing, for example, is that you study architecture and therefore need a laptop for autocad, another is that you study computer engineering and therefore need a notebook for programming, or, on the other hand, you study languages and you 'only' need a student computer with a less important data sheet. Not to mention bulk, lightness and autonomy. At this point, all you have to do is read this guide on how to choose and which are the best notebooks for students.
Important features
When choosing a laptop for computer science students, keep portability in mind. Although computer science is a field that requires extensive research, it is also one where students often work outside the classroom. You need something that can withstand all kinds of use and abuse!
The best laptops for computer science graduates will be tough enough to withstand everyday wear and tear while being light enough to be easily transported around campus. This means finding something durable yet lightweight like a Macbook Air or Pro, Chromebook or even gaming laptop.
Notebooks for students - Performance
There are courses of study that require the support of a computer that is well equipped on a technical level. This is the case for more scientifically oriented subjects that require the use of specific software. Let's get a little more concrete to understand what performance is required of a university computer.
If, for example, you are a mathematics, computer science or engineering student, then what you need is a notebook for programming, or in any case a notebook with a high calculation capacity, as well as a notebook for two-dimensional cad. Certainly, one of the first discriminating factors to evaluate is the processor, which must be able to handle heavy applications. I recommend, therefore, at least a Core i5 if you want to save some money for budget reasons. But the truth is that you should choose a Core i7 notebook.
With a Core i10 it probably starts to cost a bit too much. Of course, the processor alone is not enough. It is important that it is supported by adequate memory. First of all, RAM, which should be at least 8 GB or even 16 GB, especially if you have to use graphics processing software.
Another note on internal memory: you will have to make a decision between the 'classic' hard disk and the SSD. While we are on the subject of performance, the SSD certainly rewards you in this respect because it allows much faster computer start-up times and, in general, all performance is rewarded because a disk of this type manages to launch programmes much faster. In this regard, I invite you to read all the details in our SSD vs. HDD comparison guide here. SSDs, on the other hand, are generally more expensive than HDDs and, also for this reason, tend to have lower capacities.
Computer Science, or what a programmer should know
Programmers come in all shapes and sizes. Mobile developers in Kotlin and Swift, web programmers using PHP, Python, Ruby, hardcore electronic developers in C and Assembler. The main difference between them is the field in which they work and the language they use. However, it is not uncommon for, for example, web developers to go mobile, electronic developers to gamedev, etc. And a specific programming language in general can be retrained in a couple of months. Proportions are conditional and boundaries are blurred. Languages and technologies change, and if everything is so fluid and changeable, what do all these people have in common? What they have in common is the ability to program as a whole, regardless of language, platform and technology...and knowledge of English, before it's too late learn English (Insert from "Pulp Fiction").
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